(1 Form and 56 Licenses)
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Asbestos Contractor License
Distributed by Maryland Department of Environment
The purpose of this license is to minimize the risk of asbestos exposure to workers and to the public. Businesses, contractors and others engaged in any activities involving the disturbance of friable asbestos must apply for this license.
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- approval
$0.00 - $625.00
Blue Crab Pilot Permit
Distributed by Department of Natural Resources
Authorized individuals participate in a blue crab Electronic Reporting Pilot evaluating commercial harvest reporting in the state of Maryland.
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Burial Goods Business Permit
Distributed by Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation
This permit, as issued by the Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation, is for businesses that provide burial goods and services to the public. Burial goods includes: a casket, a grave liner, a memorial , a monument, a scroll, an urn, a vase and a vault.
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$200.00 - $250,000.00
Cemetery Permit
Distributed by Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation
This Maryland permit is for cemetery businesses (Corporation, LLC, LLP, Partnership, and Branch Office) who are registered to utilize their land and other structures for interments and to provide burial goods and services to the public.
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$200.00 - $250,000.00
Cemetery, Non-Profit (No Sales) License
Distributed by Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation
Maryland license issued to a Non-Profit No Goods Sold Cemetery, which is a business registered to utilize their land and other structures for interments and to provide burial goods and services to the public.
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