Wildlife Damage Control Operator Permit Details

Wildlife Damage Control Operator Permit

General Info - Statewide Permit

A Maryland permit to provide services to address wildlife/human conflicts for individuals experiencing nuisance wildlife problems. This permit is required in order to trap, relocate or euthanize wildlife causing problems to homeowners, businesses or other landowners. The permit allows the holder to charge a fee for those services. Any commercial business providing these services needs a permit and every employee of that business that traps, relocates, or euthanizes the problem wildlife also needs a permit. 

  • s

    Approval time

  • $25.00 - $50.00

    Application cost

Obtaining the Permit

Ready to get your permit? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents

  1. Take and pass a written examination comprised of trapping procedures, heath and human safety issues, components of law and regulation relating to human/animal conflict trapping, and questions relating to the reproductive cycles, feeding patterns, and den sites of the more common wildlife species in Maryland.

  2. Wildlife Damage Control test answer sheet for the examination mentioned in the above prerequisite step.

  3. The application must be returned with the $50 application fee, unless the application is for an assistant ($25).

Apply for the Permit

Maintaining Your Permit

Renewal and maintenance -

Maintaining your Permit (aka Related forms/requirements to maintain Permit/stay in good standing)

  1. A wildlife damage control operator shall maintain records at the operator's normal place of business, including the following information for each wildlife complaint to which the operator responds:

    (1) The date of the complaint;
    (2) The name and address of the complainant;
    (3) The number and species of wildlife involved;
    (4) The type of damage caused by the wildlife; and
    (5) The method of disposition.

  2. A copy of all records shall be kept for 3 years and be available for inspection by the Service.

  3. An annual report shall be filed with the permit renewal application or by December 31 of each year covering the preceding October to September period.


Permit Issuer - Information

Who issues the permit?

Department of Natural Resources dnr.maryland.gov

Contact Information

Permits Coordinator

Tel: (410) 260-8540

Work hours:

Legal Authority

What laws and regulations give Department of Natural Resources the legal authority to issue this approval?