Water and Sewerage Construction Permit Details

Water and Sewerage Construction Permit

General Info - Statewide Permit

Water and sewerage construction permits are required by the Maryland Department of Environment before installing, extending or modifying community water supply and/or sewerage systems including treatment plants, pumping stations and major water mains and sanitary sewers.

The purpose of water and sewerage construction permit is to ensure that infrastructure projects throughout the State are designed on sound engineering principles and comply with State design guidelines to protect water quality and public health. These permits ensure conformity with local water and wastewater comprehensive plans and ensure that there is adequate funding for long-term operation.

  • s

    Approval time

  • $125.00 - $2,000.00

    Application cost

Obtaining the Permit

Ready to get your permit? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents

  1. A discharge permit must be issued first.

  2. Applicants must show that the proposed facility is included in the current County Water and Sewerage Plan, and certify that the proposed facility will be operated either publicly or privately under a sound financial management plan.

Apply for the Permit


Permit Issuer - Information

Who issues the permit?

Maryland Department of Environment mde.maryland.gov

Contact Information

Walid Saffouri

Email: Walid.Saffouri@maryland.gov

Tel: (410) 537-3757

Legal Authority

What laws and regulations give Maryland Department of Environment the legal authority to issue this approval?