Underground Storage Tank Technician, Remover, Or Inspector Certification Details

Underground Storage Tank Technician, Remover, Or Inspector Certification

General Info - Statewide Certification

To protect ground water from leaks caused by improperly removed or installed underground storage tanks (USTs), any individual who removes, installs, upgrades, repairs or retrofits an UST, must be certified in the state of Maryland. To protect groundwater from leaks caused by USTs not being in compliance, any individual who inspects an UST must be certified. 

  • s

    Approval time

  • $0.00

    Application cost

Obtaining the Certification

Ready to get your certification? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents

  1. Take either the technician examination (install, upgrade, repair, replace and remove), the heating oil technician examination (heating oil UST systems with capacity of 2,000 gallons or less of heating oil only), the remove examination (remover only), or the inspector examination (inspect only).

  2. For inspector certificate renewal, applicants must submit proof, 30 days prior to the certificate-expiration date, of attending at least one department-approved training course for UST system compliance inspections, of a department-approved third party inspector update seminar, and to performing inspections at ten UST sites within the past two years OR retest.

  3. Applicants with a test score of 90% or better are certified.

Apply for the Certification

Maintaining Your Certification

Renewal and maintenance -

Maintaining your Certification (aka Related forms/requirements to maintain Certification/stay in good standing)

  1. The applicant must call the department 30 days prior to certificate expiration to schedule a testing date.

  2. For all renewal certifications, an application form must be submitted to the Oil Control Program, and the appropriate fee must be paid. All information must be submitted 30 days prior to the applicant’s certificate-expiration date.

  3. For technician and remover certificate renewal, applicants must submit proof of attending at least one approved UST training course and provide proof of performing work at six UST sites within the past two years OR retest.


Certification Issuer - Information

Who issues the certification?

Maryland Department of Environment mde.maryland.gov

Contact Information

Permits and Support Division Oil Control Program

Tel: (410) 537-3442

Legal Authority

What laws and regulations give Maryland Department of Environment the legal authority to issue this approval?