Public Accountancy Firm Permit Details

Public Accountancy Firm Permit

General Info - Statewide Permit

CPA firms that provide certified public accountancy services to Maryland clients must obtain a permit. This requirement applies to CPA firms that are located outside of the state of Maryland.

CPA firms may obtain a permit according to their organizational structure (corporation, partnership, limited liability company, or limited liability partnership). 

  • s

    Approval time

  • $134.00

    Application cost

Obtaining the Permit

Ready to get your permit? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents

  1. Registration steps for public accountancy firm permits can be found here.

Apply for the Permit

  • Online Application

    Complete the form

    Apply Now

Maintaining Your Permit

Renewal and maintenance -

Maintaining your Permit (aka Related forms/requirements to maintain Permit/stay in good standing)

  1. If the firm provides audit or attest services for Maryland clients, the firm must undergo a peer review at least once every 3 years.

  2. Inform the Board of any name changes, structural changes, responsible charge licensee changes, or address/email changes.


Permit Issuer - Information

Who issues the permit?

Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation


Why the Permit is required?

The mission of the Maryland Board of Public Accountancy is to establish educational and professional standards of competence and conduct of certified public accountants in providing financial services for Maryland businesses and citizens. The Board accomplishes this mission through a framework of examination, licensure, continuing education, accounting standards, investigation of consumer complaints, and enforcement of State law and regulations.

Legal Authority

What laws and regulations give Department of Labor, Licensing & Regulation the legal authority to issue this approval?