Private Inspector License For Inspecting X Ray Machines Details

Private Inspector License For Inspecting X Ray Machines

General Info - Statewide License

Maryland license which is issued to qualified individuals who wish to inspect x-ray machines as part of the State’s certification process. The license ensures that x-ray machines and accelerators are inspected by qualified health physicists who meet or exceed established criteria. Inspectors follow State-approved and -prescribed methods. 

  • s

    Approval time

  • $0.00

    Application cost

Obtaining the License

Ready to get your license? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents

  1. Applicant must complete the required education and experience identified in COMAR 26.12.02.

  2. Applicant must file a completed application with the Department.

  3. The Department issues the license based on the applicant meeting the requirements.

Apply for the License


License Issuer - Information

Who issues the license?

Maryland Department of Environment

Contact Information

Talya Langbaum


Tel: (410) 537-3193

Legal Authority

What laws and regulations give Maryland Department of Environment the legal authority to issue this approval?