Industrial Wastewater/Stormwater General Discharge Permit From Mining Operations Details
Industrial Wastewater/Stormwater General Discharge Permit From Mining Operations
General Info - Statewide Permit
The general permits for industrial wastewater discharge increase the efficiency of the Department’s permitting process through the issuance of generic permits to categories of business activities which are generally very similar in their wastewater characteristics.
Approval time
$0.00 - $5,000.00
Application cost
Obtaining the Permit
Ready to get your permit? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents
Complete a Notice of Intent (NOI) form and include a facility map, if required. To request a form, call (410) 537-3323.
Apply for the Permit
Online Application
Complete the form
Permit Issuer - Information
Contact Information
Tel: (301) 689-1443
Legal Authority
What laws and regulations give Maryland Department of Environment the legal authority to issue this approval?
FEDERAL: Federal Clean Water Act
STATE: Environment Article, Title 9, Subtitle 3; COMAR 26.08.01 through 26.08.04.