Grain Dealer Application Details

Grain Dealer Application

General Info - Statewide License

Individuals in the business of buying, receiving, exchanging, or storing grain from a grain producer must obtain a grain dealers license from MDA annually.

Application cost will depend on License Type;

License A: $50/year (1- 49,999 bu/year)

License B: $100/year (50,000- 99,999 bu/year)

License C: $200/year (100,000- 499,999 bu/year)

License D: $300/year (500,000 and above bu/year)

Please submit a check along with the application.

  • Average completion time

Obtaining the License

Ready to get your license? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents

  1. Download and complete the grain dealer's application.

  2. Once completed, submit the application and any additional attachments to our office via mail, email, or fax.

Apply for the License


License Issuer - Information

Who issues the license?

Contact Information

Molly Gillingham


Tel: (410) 841-5769 / Fax: (410) 841-2750

Work hours:

Resources and Links

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