Game Husbandry Permit Details

Game Husbandry Permit

General Info - Statewide Permit

A Maryland permit to raise, breed, protect, or sell game birds (quail, pheasant, wild turkey, waterfowl).

Species covered under the game husbandry permit may only be sold live to a person who has obtained a State permit to possess that species; i.e., licensed game breeder, retriever trainer, regulated shooting area, etc.; or dead, with no permit necessary, for human consumption. However, an individual may purchase live birds without a permit if he intends to keep them for less than 48 hours.

The license specifies the species of game birds which may be bred, raised, protected, or sold and for what purpose. It also specifies the type of fencing or other requirements necessary to prevent undesirable mixing of native wildlife and the captive game birds, and other conditions necessary to ensure adequate protection of native wildlife. 

  • - s

    Approval time

  • $5.00

    Application cost

Obtaining the Permit

Ready to get your permit? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents

  1. Submit the application and fee to Maryland Department of Natural Resources

Apply for the Permit

Maintaining Your Permit

Renewal and maintenance -

Maintaining your Permit (aka Related forms/requirements to maintain Permit/stay in good standing)

  1. A ledger must be kept for any species raised or acquired, the number killed, and the number sold dead or alive, etc. The entry shall be made within 48 hours of the occurrence. Also, a bill of sale or similar document shall be kept as long as the animal remains in your possession.

  2. The licensee must also allow the Department to enter and inspect the records and the premises where operations are carried on at any reasonable hour.

  3. If any game bird raised in captivity is shipped or removed from the licensee's premises, the game bird must be properly identified until prepared for final consumption or disposition. If moved within the State, any game bird moved must be accompanied by an itemized bill of sale from the licensee. If shipped out-of-state, any game bird must have a bill of lading attached to the shipping carton, crate, or other container.


Permit Issuer - Information

Who issues the permit?

Department of Natural Resources

Contact Information

Permits Coordinator

Tel: (410) 260-8572

Work hours:

Legal Authority

What laws and regulations give Department of Natural Resources the legal authority to issue this approval?