Drinking Water Laboratory Certification Details
Drinking Water Laboratory Certification
General Info - Statewide Certification
This Maryland certification assures the reliability of the Safe Drinking Water Act compliance samples analyzed by state-certified laboratories. Providing high-quality data is critical to evaluating public water systems and is the primary means of evaluating the safety of the drinking water supplies. The certification is for both in-state and out-of-state laboratories that analyze drinking water samples for water systems in Maryland. Laboratories may by either government-owned or privately owned.
Approval time
Application cost
Obtaining the Certification
Ready to get your certification? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents
New laboratories must pass performance testing for each parameter and have approved standard operating procedures and quality assurance procedures.
In addition an on-site evaluation must be completed by the Department or an approved third party agency for in-state laboratories.
An out-of-state laboratory that is requesting certification in Maryland must hold certification in their home state or from the EPA in order to receive reciprocal certification.
Apply for the Certification
Online Application
Complete the form
Certification Issuer - Information
Contact Information
Email: Linda.Ames@maryland.gov
Tel: (410) 537-3729
Legal Authority
What laws and regulations give Maryland Department of Environment the legal authority to issue this approval?
FEDERAL: Safe Drinking Water Act; 40 Code of Federal Regulations 141.28
STATE: Environment Article, Title 9 Subtitle 10; COMAR 26.08.05.