Apiary Application for Registration of Honey Bee Colonies Details

Apiary Application for Registration of Honey Bee Colonies

General Info - Statewide Registration

Beekeepers register each of their apiaries and honeybee colonies. They also indicate if they are willing to provide beekeeping services. Provides name of beekeeper/company and mailing address.

Though there is no cost for this form, an applicant can donate to the apiary inspectors fund. Make checks payable to the "Maryland Department of Agriculture".

  • Average completion time

Obtaining the Registration

Ready to get your registration? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents

  1. Put your first and last name/company (if applicable) and mailing address.

  2. List your contact phone numbers and email address.

  3. Circle Yes or No for “Will you be keeping bees on another person’s property this year?”

  4. If you are no longer beekeeping or no longer plan to keep bees, please indicate that by putting a check mark on the line.

  5. List the address or address’, county or counties and number of colonies for each apiary location.

  6. On the second page answer the questions for the top portion to the best of your ability.

  7. The next section is optional, if you agree to provide services, please provide the county or counties in Maryland only that you will be providing services, and you may be contacted by the phone numbers you provide on your registration throughout the year.

Apply for the Registration


Registration Issuer - Information

Who issues the registration?

Contact Information

Cybil Preston

Email: cybil.preston@maryland.gov

Tel: (410) 841-5920 / Fax: (410) 841-5835

Work hours: