Airport Zoning Permit Details

Airport Zoning Permit

General Info - Statewide Permit

This permit, as issued by the Maryland Department of Transportation, is for projects within an Airport Noise Zone and/or Airport Zoning District (4-mile radius of BWI Marshall Airport or 3.3-mile radius of Martin State Airport).

  • s

    Approval time

  • $0.00

    Application cost

Obtaining the Permit

Ready to get your permit? - Steps, Requirements, and Documents

  1. Applicant submits a completed AZP application to the Maryland Aviation Administration, which must include:

    - Exact location of the property, including address and zip code;

    - Intended use, including planned structures and associated construction equipment;

    - Height of proposed structures and associated construction equipment;

    - Dimensions of all proposed structures;

    - Printed name, address, telephone, and email address/fax number of applicant or point of contact;

    - Printed name, address, and telephone of the property owner.

  2. The following documents should accompany each application:

    - A map depicting the project location in relationship to the Airport;

    - A project site plan displaying the property boundaries, location of proposed structure(s)/crane(s) property elevation above mean sea level, and latitude/longitude;

    - Stormwater management plans and a stormwater management report for existing and/or proposed ponds (as necessary).

Apply for the Permit

  • Online Application

    Complete the form

    Apply Now


Permit Issuer - Information

Who issues the permit?

Maryland Department of Transportation

Contact Information

Shawn Ames


Tel: (410) 859-7089 / Fax: (410) 859-7082

Work hours:


Why the Permit is required?

Airspace zoning within designated areas.

Legal Authority

What laws and regulations give Maryland Department of Transportation the legal authority to issue this approval?