Small Grain Field Certification Application Details

last revised 03/04/24 at 10:42 am

Small Grain Field Certification Application

Application for small grain field certification

Use this form to request small grain field inspections. You may submit multiple fields per form.

Inspections are conducted by Maryland Department of Agriculture staff.

Cost: $1.75 per acre

  • Approval Time

  • -

    Completion Time

  • $2.00 - $100.00

    Application Fee

Apply or Register

Ready to apply?


Review the steps - read carefully

  1. Complete certification request form

    Click "Apply Online" to access the online form.

  2. Upload foundational and registered seed tags

    Foundational and registered seed tags of each lot planted must accompany this application.

  3. Upload invoice

    An invoice showing quantity of seed planted must accompany this application.

  4. Upload maps

    Please include detailed maps of fields to be inspected. Maps should include roads, surrounding crops, and landmarks that will identify fields.

  5. If you are unable to upload a digital copy of a seed tag, invoice, or map please mail a copy to:

    Turf & Seed

    Maryland Department of Agriculture

    50 Harry S. Truman Parkway

    Annapolis, MD 21401

What Happens After Submission

Read carefully

  1. MDA Staff Reviews Application
  2. MDA Field Inspector Completes Inspection
  3. Customer Billed for Inspection


Who issues the Form?

Maryland Department of Agriculture, Turf & Seed Division

Contact Information