2024 Nutrient Management Annual Implementation Report AIR (For Ag Operations) Details

last revised 02/07/25 at 4:19 pm

2024 Nutrient Management Annual Implementation Report AIR (For Ag Operations)

Annual Implementation Report (AIR)

Maryland law requires that any operator with an agricultural operation that earns more than $2,500 in gross income; or has at least eight animal units of livestock  (an animal unit is defined as 1,000 pounds of live animal) must submit an Annual Implementation Report (AIR) to the Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) by March 1 each year.

  • Approval Time

  • -

    Completion Time

  • $0.00

    Application Fee

Apply or Register

Ready to apply?


Review the steps - read carefully

  1. Create a Maryland OneStop Account

    If you do not have a Maryland OneStop account, click Register in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Enter your first name, last name, email address, and create a password, then click Register.

  2. Verify Your Maryland OneStop Account Email

    Once you have submitted your information to create an account, you will receive an email from onestop.support@maryland.gov. Click the "Verify Your Email" button in the email.

  3. Complete the Report

    Log in using the email and password you created and click the Apply Online button to submit a report for the Annual Implementation Report (AIR). You can also find the paper PDF versions of the standard AIR and the CAFO AIR in the Resources section below.

    *If you have stopped farming in 2024 you need to complete the AIR with the latest information that you have. You will need to provide an explanation in the comments box explaining the situation, so we can work with you and determine if you will need to complete the AIR in the future. You may receive a call from your nutrient management specialist for clarification of your comments.

    *If using Microsoft suite applications, please note Microsoft Edge is the recommended browser by Microsoft. Internet Explorer 11 retired and went out of support on June 15, 2022.

  4. In the event you need to contact your regional specialist

    Please see link below to find the contact information for the specialist assigned to your region:


Resources and Links

Good to know - Find helpful information

What Happens After Submission

Read carefully

  1. Nutrient Management Specialist Reviews the Annual Implementation Report.

    If major revisions are required, the Nutrient Management Specialist will send comments to the operator. The operator then updates the AIR and resubmits the report. If minor corrections are needed, the Specialist will make the changes accordingly and then send the AIR back for your final approval.

  2. The AIR is Approved by the Nutrient Management Specialist

    Submission is complete at this point.


Who issues the Form?

Maryland Department of Agriculture, Nutrient Management mda.maryland.gov/resource_conservation/pages/nutrient_management.aspx

Contact Information

Please see the link to your regional specialist contact info: https://mda.maryland.gov/resource_conservation/counties/Nutrient%20Management%20Regional%20Offices.pdf

Work hours: