MDOT Urban Tree Program Grant Application Details
MDOT Urban Tree Program Grant Application
MDOT Urban Tree Program Grant Application
The Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) Urban Tree Grant Program (UTP) is accepting applications for tree planting efforts in communities impacted by transportation projects. These grants are offered in partnership with the Maryland Urban and Community Forest Committee (MUCFC).
Awards of up to $5,000 are available for eligible tree planting projects, with additional funds available for eligible Pocket Forest* plantings. Applications must be submitted by 4:30pm EST on February 15 (for spring planting) and 4:30pm EST on July 15 (for fall planting). Applications must be approved by the county Forestry Board before the application deadline for submissions to be accepted.
Applications are not reviewed until after the deadline date for the relevant planting season. MUCFC/MDOT will contact applicants in the weeks following the application deadline to notify them of funding decisions.
If you have questions or need help with your application, please reach out to Allison Breitenother, or MD DNR Forest Service, 410-260-8510.
Eligibility Criteria and Considerations
- Applicants must be from an eligible organization*
- Eligible organizations include non-profit organizations, schools, community/neighborhood associations; community business associations; homeowners associations; business service, youth, and civic groups; institutions of higher education; counties; municipalities; and forest conservancy district boards.
- Projects must take place in communities where trees have been removed as part of the construction of a transportation facility project*, such as construction of the Purple Line project
- Priority will be given to applications in communities that are also affected by
- Environmental justice issues (§ 1-701 of the Environment Article) * OR
- Heat island effect
- Priority will be given to projects supporting the urban tree canopy*
- Funding cannot be used for required mitigation planting
- Projects can take place on private or public lands*
- Tree species must be native. See DNR Native Plant Resources for guidance.
- Projects with matching funds and/or in-kind support are preferred.
Application Requirements
- Funding for limited outreach to encourage volunteers to support the project, to cover costs of signage, or promotion of the completed project may be included in application, for up to 5% of the total grant award.
- Applications must include a site plan or project design and a photo of the proposed planting site. If projects include tree pits, or other similar systems, applications must include details of the design or proposed structures.
- A planting plan, including the proposed plants (including species, size, and quantity) to be used in the project must be provided. All plants are required to be native species. A list of MDOT preferred trees and plants can be found at:
- Proposed efforts must include a maintenance plan (I.e., watering, weeding, mulching, and long-term maintenance), including expected maintenance costs (eligible for funding), and who will be responsible for the maintenance activities.
- Tree planting projects require one year of maintenance while Pocket Forest projects require a 3-year maintenance plan.
Additional Information
- Definitions*
- Eligible Organizations: non-profit organizations, schools, community/neighborhood associations; community business associations; homeowners associations; business service, youth, and civic groups; institutions of higher education; counties; municipalities; and forest conservancy district boards.
- Heat Island Effect: urban areas that experience higher temperatures relative to outlying areas (EPA).
- Pocket Forest: small, high density, native-shrub and tree planting projects in urban environments that recreate or restore layers of forests, including a canopy layer comprised of taller trees, a mid-height shrub layer, and ground cover. These projects can also include soil augmentation and other restoration techniques to encourage low maintenance in urban spaces. Pocket Forests are designed to integrate forests into the urban environment.
- Transportation Facility Project: for the purposes of this project, it is defined in as any construction, operation or maintenance activities that have occurred as part of the state-owned transportation system (including airport, highway, port, railroad and transit facilities), which resulted in the removal of trees. (Examples include, but are not limited to, highway or rail corridor projects, park & ride lots, bicycle and walking path construction, mass transit projects such as the construction of the Purple Line project).
- Urban Area: for the purposes of this grant, an urban area is defined as an area that contains at least 2,000 housing units or has a population of at least 5,000 (Census Bureau, March 24,2022 -
- Urban Tree Canopy: when viewed from above, the leaves and branches of trees that cover the ground. This serves as an overall indicator of urban forest quality and quantity.
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