MDOT Climate Focused Funding Application Details

last revised 01/29/25 at 1:40 pm

MDOT Climate Focused Funding Application

MDOT provides vital transportation services to the state and is looking to invest in project opportunities that reduce emissions from the transportation sector.

Climate change is already beginning to impact the Maryland transportation network, including increased temperatures leading to delays for rail service, increased flooding on roadways and bridges flooding, and damage to transportation infrastructure and services caused by severe storms. In response, Maryland has set targets to reduce emissions, the Climate Solutions Now Act of 2022 set a new goal of reducing emissions at the state level by 60% statewide from 2006 levels by 2031 and achieving net-zero emissions by 2045[2]. MDOT understands the importance of investing in transportation projects that have climate benefits and is launching the Climate Focused Funding portal, a platform that will support identification and accelerate the implementation of these important projects. 

Climate Focused Funding Opportunity

The Climate Focused Funding Portal’s current priority is the solicitation of decarbonization projects for funding available through the federal Carbon Reduction Program. Eligible projects include public transportation, intelligent transportation systems, efficient lighting and traffic controls, transportation demand management, diesel engine retrofits, deployment of alternative fuel vehicles, and more! (For a more comprehensive list please see the FAQ document). 

Eligible Organizations include: MDOT Modal Administrations, Metropolitan Planning Organizations, Local Governments (County, Municipalities, WMATA). 

The Maryland Department of Transportation is pleased to solicit applications until 4:30pm EDT on March 26, 2025.



  • Open from to

    Submission Window

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What Happens After Submission

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  1. After Submission

    MDOT will provide a multi-step review and evaluation of the applications, in coordination with relevant stakeholders to determine funding recommendations. Final approval of projects will depend on available funding, stakeholder priorities and project readiness.


Who issues the Form?

Maryland Department of Transportation – The Secretary’s Office

Contact Information

Allison Breitenother


Tel: (410) 865-1097