MDOD ACP Short Application Details

last revised 04/29/24 at 2:01 pm

MDOD ACP Short Application

The Maryland Attendant Care Program reimburses eligible persons with disabilities for a portion of their attendant care costs.

Eligibility Criteria. To be Eligible for the program, YOU MUST:

  1. Be a Maryland resident; and

  2. Be between the ages of 18 and 64 (at the time of initial eligibility determination); and

  3. Be determined and certified by your physician to have a severe disability that keeps you from performing essential activities of daily living, self-care, and mobility; and

  4. Not be receiving duplicative attendant care services; and

  5. Have a total gross income (taxable and non-taxable) of less than $119,999 per year;


  1. You must be employed; or

  2. You must be actively seeking employment; or

  3. You must be enrolled in an institution of post-secondary or higher education; or

  4. You must be a nursing facility resident who would be able to reside in the community if attendant care is provided; or

  5. You must be at risk of nursing facility placement if you do not receive attendant care services in the community.

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Who issues the Form?

Maryland Department of Disabilities (MDOD)

Contact Information

Maxine Morris
