Certified Community Health Worker (CCHW) Certificate Renewal Application Details

last revised 02/12/25 at 10:57 am

Certified Community Health Worker (CCHW) Certificate Renewal Application

Maryland Certified Community Health Worker (CCHW) Renewal Application

The CCHW certificate is effective for two (2) years from the date issued. The CCHW Renewal application may be submitted beginning 90 days before the certificate expiration date.  

This application requires documentation of completion of 20 hours of a broad range of professional development activities that include a brief written explanation of acquired knowledge and/or skill application of duties. 

Examples of professional development include employer-sponsored training; conferences; webinars; online trainings; Maryland Community Health Worker Association monthly meetings; community-related meetings, committees, or workgroups that contain an educational component; or other educational opportunities or trainings.

Certified CHWs may begin a Renewal Application by:

- Logging into their Maryland OneStop account

- Clicking on My Dashboard

- Scrolling to their CHW Record at the bottom of the page under My Licenses, Permits, and Registrations

- Clicking on their certification number

- Clicking on the green Action button in the top right corner.

- Click on "Renew CHW Certification"

Note: An individual may apply for the reinstatement of an expired CHW certificate by submitting a complete CHW Renewal application up to two (2) years after the certificate expiration date.


  • The information entered into an application will be autosaved if you are logged in.
  • After 30 minutes of inactivity, an applicant will be logged out of the application and redirected to the OneStop Homepage.
  • Prior to entering data into the application after a period of inactivity be sure to refresh your page to determine if you are still logged in.

  • 30 days prior and up to 2 years after expiration

    Due Date

  • Approval Time

  • -

    Completion Time

  • $0.00

    Application Fee

Apply or Register

Ready to apply?


Review the steps - read carefully

  1. *Important* Visit the Maryland Department of Health Community Health Worker Certification website prior to beginning the application, for full application instructions, information, and to download the Professional Development Tracking Sheet.

    For additional information on Community Health Worker Certificate Renewal in English, visit: https://health.maryland.gov/pophealth/Community-Health-Workers/Pages/CCHW-Certificate-Renewal.aspx

    Para más información sobre la renovación del Certifcado de Promotor(a) de Salud en español, visite: https://health.maryland.gov/pophealth/Community-Health-Workers/Pages/CCHW-Certificate-Renewal-Spanish.aspx

  2. Individuals may begin a Certificate Renewal Application at any time. You may manually enter Professional Development information and/or upload Professional Development Tracking Sheet(s) to your application.

  3. The Certificate Renewal Application and uploaded documents will remain in Draft mode until the application is submitted.

  4. Submit the Certificate Renewal Application with the required documentation beginning 90 days before and up to two years after the certificate expiration date. Please allow 30 days for processing time for the issuance of a renewed CHW certificate.

  5. The "Submit" button will appear, but will not be activated until 90 days before your CHW certificate expiration date.

  6. Certificate expiration dates are listed on the certificate and may be found on the CHW website at: https://pophealth.health.maryland.gov/Community-Health-Workers/Pages/Verify-A-Certificate.aspx

  7. For the best online application experience, please use Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Safari as your web browser. You may experience issues using Internet Explorer.


Who issues the Form?

Office of Population Health Improvement, Maryland Department of Health health.maryland.gov/pophealth/Community-Health-Workers/Pages/Home.aspx

Contact Information

Kimberly Hiner, Tina Backe, Adrienne Taylor

Email: MDH.CHWApplications@maryland.gov

Tel: (410) 767-5971 / Fax: (410) 333-7501

Work hours: