FY25 Capital Grant Request Details

last revised 01/03/24 at 4:19 pm

FY25 Capital Grant Request

The Spay and Neuter Grant Program is designed to reduce the number of cats and dogs euthanized in shelters across the state. We hope to reduce these numbers by providing competitive grants to local governments and non-profit animal welfare organizations who will then provide free spay and neuter services to pet dogs and cats of low income Marylanders and to colonies of free-roaming cats.

As of April 2016, county or municipal animal control facilities, organizations that are contracted by a county or municipality to provide animal control, or any organization that shelters animals and receives funds from the Program must meet the requirements of Sections 2-1701 through 2-1705 of the Agriculture Article of the Code of Maryland. This law requires shelters have available to the public a “written veterinary care protocol” consistent with the Association of Shelter Veterinarians’ Guidelines for Standards of Care in Animal Shelters, as well as a “written protocol for reclaiming animals”. 

A copy of the law, the guidelines and an example of a Standards of Care Plan are posted on the Board of Veterinary Medical Examiners and Spay and Neuter Grants Program webpages on the MDA website: MDA.maryland.gov. Applicants with shelters must be in compliance with the law. 

This is a competitive grant and meeting minimum standards does not guarantee selection for funding. Early in your planning process, you should consider requesting shelter statistics from your local shelters and letters of support from any animal control or other groups as these can take some time for those organizations to prepare for you and can heavily influence your application. Please read the grant application instructions in full before applying.

Open from January 5, 2024, at 12:00 pm to April 5, 2024 at 5:00 pm.

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  • $0.00

    Application Fee


This application is closed. Please contact the administrator if you have questions.
  • Online Application

    Complete the form



Review the steps - read carefully

  1. Create or Access Your Maryland OneStop Account

    If you do not have a Maryland OneStop account, click "Register" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Enter your first name, last name, email address, and create a password, then click "Register". Once you have submitted your information to create an account, you will receive an email from onestop.support@maryland.gov. Click the "Verify Your Email" button in the email.

  2. Access the Application

    Log in using the email and password you created and click the "Apply Online" button to submit an application for a Spay and Neuter Grant, and select the type of grant you wish to apply for.

  3. Read the Instructions Thoroughly

    When answering questions, please keep in mind the purpose of the grant and attempt to answer questions in a way that will demonstrate how your project works to achieve that goal. “The purpose of the Fund is to reduce animal shelter overpopulation and cat and dog euthanasia rates by financing grants to local governments and animal welfare organizations for programs that most efficiently and effectively facilitate and promote the provision of spay and neuter services for cats and dogs in the State.” Click here to read instructions.

  4. Complete the Grant Application

    Once received by MDA, no changes or updates may be made to the application and no additional information may be added, except at MDA’s request or with MDA’s approval. Applicants may only request a submitted application be withdrawn.

What Happens After Submission

Read carefully

  1. Review and Approval

    MDA conducts a Due Diligence check on all Applicants to confirm eligibility, tax status, standing of project veterinarians and clinics with MDA and other state Vet Boards as appropriate, standing with local animal control agencies, and standing with the IRS and the State of Maryland.

  2. Notification to Applicant

    All Applicants (whether approved for funding by the Secretary or declined by the Secretary) are notified by email as promptly as possible after the Secretary’s final funding decision. Emails to Applicants approved for funding will include any changes in scope or budget MDA wishes to amend.

  3. Grant Agreement

    MDA makes Grant Agreements available via Maryland OneStop to recipients usually within 30 days following approval. Funding is not released until the Grant Agreement is signed by the Applicant.


Who issues the Form?

Maryland Department of Agriculture, Spay and Neuter Grant Program

Contact Information

Jen Swanson

Email: jen.swanson@maryland.gov

Tel: (410) 841-5766