2025 Maryland Specialty Crop Block Grant Application Details
2025 Maryland Specialty Crop Block Grant Application
The Maryland Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP) is a reimbursable grant program to enhance the competitiveness of Maryland’s specialty crops.
Specialty crops are defined as fruits, vegetables, culinary herbs and spices, honey, hops, grapes, maple syrup, Christmas trees, and nursery crops.
The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) administers the program with funding made available from the Farm Bill through the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service.
Funding Availability: MDA anticipates approximately $400,000 SCBGP funds based on available funding. Competitive grants will be awarded for projects with a minimum of $15,000 (subject to availability). The Maryland SCBGP grants have ranged from $15,000 - $140,000. SCBGP grant funds will be awarded for projects up to 2 years in duration and must conclude by November 15, 2027.
Eligible Applicants: Proposals will be accepted from non-profit organizations, producer organizations, government agencies, universities, and other organizations involved in Maryland agriculture. Applicants must reside in Maryland or their business or educational affiliation must be in Maryland. Those applicants that are non-profit or for-profit, if awarded a grant, will be required to provide verification of their status. Applicants may cooperate with any public or private organization.
More than one project application per applicant may be submitted. Projects may be submitted by a single organization or combined entities. Multi-state projects to address a growing need for solutions to problems that cross state boundaries are also eligible. Contact the SCBGP Program Manager for additional application instructions.
Applicants must have the support of a specific specialty crop organization or group with at least three specialty crop producers. Letters of support need to be submitted. Proposals submitted by individual producers must demonstrate that the potential impact of the project will be for a broader group of similar producers or industry segment. Projects must also be identified as a priority of the industry.
You are encouraged to apply early. Applications submitted past the deadline will not be accepted.
The Maryland Department of Agriculture surveyed Maryland’s specialty crop industries to create funding priorities for the department’s Specialty Crop Block Grant. According to the survey, the current funding priorities include the following in order of importance:
- Increasing Consumption and Consumer Purchasing of Specialty Crops
- Improving Efficiency and Reducing Costs of Distribution Systems of Specialty Crops
- Improve Pest and Disease Control Processes
- Expand Specialty Crop Research and Development
- Increase Food Safety Knowledge and Processes
- Develop New Seed Varieties and Specialty Crops
Due Date
Apply or Register
Online Application
Complete the form
Review the steps - read carefully
Application Requirements
- Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) and UEI Number: Your organization must have both a Federal Tax ID Number (EIN) and an Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) Number. It takes several weeks to receive an UEI. Apply now if your organization does not have an UEI. Your organization will need an UEI to receive federal funds.
- W-9 Form: Upload a copy of your organization's W-9 form, ensuring the address is up-to-date.
Proof of Good Standing: Provide proof that your organization is in Good Standing with the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT).
- To verify your organization's Good Standing status, visit the Maryland SDAT Business Entity Search page. Use this tool to search for your organization's status.
Letters of Support: Applicants must have the support of a specific specialty crop organization or group with at least three specialty crop producers. The application will allow you to submit up to 5 Letters of Support from other organizations that will help with your project. Each letter should include:
- The name and contact information of the supporting organization.
- The letterhead of the supporting organization is preferred but not mandatory.
- If the supporting organization will assist with the project, the letter should outline their role and involvement.
- The name and contact information of the supporting organization.
Create a Maryland OneStop Account
If you do not have a Maryland OneStop account click "Register" in the upper right hand corner of the screen. Enter your first name, last name, email address, and create a password, then click "Register".
Verify Your Maryland OneStop Account Email
Once you have submitted your information to create an account you will receive an email from onestop.support@maryland.gov. Click the "Verify Your Email" button in the email.
Click Apply Online
Click the “Apply Online” button to navigate to the online application. Complete all required fields.
Complete and Upload the SCBGP Project Profile Template
The application will require you to upload a PDF copy of the SCBGP Project Profile. Please prepare ahead of time by following these steps:
- Download the PDF document using the link below.
- Open the document using Adobe Acrobat Reader DC:
- If you do not have Adobe Acrobat Reader DC installed, download and install it here.
- Open Adobe Acrobat Reader DC.
- Use the "File" menu to open the downloaded PDF document from within the Adobe Acrobat Reader DC software.
- Complete every page of the document.
- Save the completed document.
- Upload the saved document in the upload field located in Tab 2 of the application.
- Complete the rest of the required fields and submit the application.
For further instructions on downloading the SCBGP Project Profile Template, please click here to watch the tutorial video.
Submit Application by Sunday, March 30, 2025, 11:59 pm EDT
Your application must be submitted by Sunday, March 30, 2025, at 11:59 pm EDT, or the application will be incomplete. OneStop automatically saves your data, so you may log in at a later time to complete the application until the due date.
You will be notified through OneStop of the status of your grant application.
Resources and Links
Good to know - Find helpful information
What Happens After Submission
Read carefully
All applications submitted by the deadline will be reviewed by the SCBGP Program Manager and SCBGP Review Committee. Applicants will be notified during the review process if adjustments are necessary. Recommendations from the Review Committee are made to the Maryland Secretary of Agriculture for approval for the Maryland State Plan.
The Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA) creates the Maryland State Plan and submits the Maryland State Plan to USDA for final review and approval. Once USDA approves the State Plan and the grant agreement between MDA and USDA is fully executed, MDA will notify grant applicants on the final status of their grant application.
Contact Information
Email: scbgp.mda@maryland.gov
Tel: (410) 841-5773